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For many established companies, having a CEO is simply not enough. Already, nearly 40% of the world’s leading companies have a COO. And, in many that don’t have the official COO title, second-in-command’s (2iC) end up fulfilling the exact same duties. So what are some of the duties that can be expected of COO’s? Let’s explore COO coaching below.

The Importance of the COO

In some companies, COO’s can be the ‘partner’, ‘other half’ or ‘mentor’ for undeveloped CEO’s who are looking to have their skills refined. Within this position, the 2iC identifies the skills a CEO is good at and helps to fulfill the other aspects to ensure the business is guided in the right direction. Conversely, they can have a more hands on approach by being an ‘executor’ or a ‘change agent’, which is more responsible on the strategies of a smaller, day-to-day level or for special events like acquisitions and mergers. In this role, he creates more paths for the CEO by forging them ahead himself or herself.

Regardless of the type, all COO’s have some shared traits. They have acuity, which means they can quickly grasp concepts and multitask efficiently. They also have organization, which means they can easily define priorities and can properly allocate goals and vision. Lastly, they have process and structure, which means they can provide clarity and accountability to those around them. All these benefits help companies retain 20%-30% of their revenue by smoothing out inefficiencies. They also bring an estimated ROI of up to 788%. So how can you translate these metrics to your business?


Ultimately, all this stresses just how useful COO’s can be in any company. Finding the right COO is a bit more difficult, however. Fortunately, Diane Integrates offers the perfect solution to assess your company’s current situation and hire the best possible talent to fulfill the role. After finding the talent, they help to develop that potential with coaching to provide clarity on the role, keeping them aligned with the company, and accelerating results where possible. All in all, Diane Integrates makes it easy to help your company with COO training for the job.

Everyone Helps The CEO, But Who Helps The Second in Command?
Source: Diane Integrates

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